Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God's Peace

The future seems uncertain;
Decisions yet to make;
Turn your eyes to Jesus:
He will show the path to take.

When those around discourage,
Turn to Almighty God;
He will wrap his arms around you,
and He'll say, "My child, walk on."

God gives Peace for the asking;
God gives Peace that makes the trouble seem like joy.
God gives Peace to the lacking:
When you feel you can't go further -
the jump: to big a hurdle -
God gives Peace that overcomes.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Orange Cream ~

I didn't take any pictures today, but thought I'd update the story on the stuffed orange....

I sent it home with a friend, who put it in the fruitbowl on his family's counter. His mother tossed it, not knowing what it truly was. She was quickly informed and recruited to the plan.
Later, another son gave the fruit to a friend who was over, causing the mother distress, but not to the extent to rescue the victim (Yay!! You rock, Mrs D.!!!)
The guest plunged her thumb into the orange; the cream reacted splendidly, spurting out and creating the effect we'd hoped for!!! Success: the fruit monsters victorious!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Apples, Oranges, & ......Sour Cream

Looks like a normal apple, yes? Ah, but take a bite and you'll find it's no ordinary piece of fruit!

And here is why:
I cut the top off, hallowed out the body and super-glued it back on, after filling it with the cream! The cut lines are slightly visible, but no one will notice it if it placed right-side up. Now I just wait in anticipation for the unlucky fellow!!!

I also did an orange - and, by the way, this was a collaboration of myself and some family members and friends, so I can't take all the credit, unfortunately.
Anyways, the orange worked much better as its skin forgives much more than that of an apple. I believe the effects will be greater as well, as it was difficult to get a lot of cream into the apple, but the whole orange is filled. All someone has to do is plunge their thumb into it, as though to peel it, and it shall ooz forth creamy globs!

Word to the wise: carefully inspect all your fruit - you may not get what you expect!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Shot of the Moment

This is definitely the cutest moment of the day!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lalita Bella Avila

Marmie and Lalita ~ my mother & niece.

Little Girl loves her toothbrush!
the studious type......
such a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Willy, Nilly, Silly & Fred

My siblings made these the other day; it's fun to be greeted by them as I pull in the driveway.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Favorite shots from Taiwan

This is Beatrice;
I stayed with her
family. She spoke

better English than
some US natives,
and is so cute!

I took this shot
while visiting

the mountains
of Tai 'An; I don't
know the flower's
name, unfortunately.

These are some
of my students,
making pizza.
They were eager
to bake with us

teachers, and loved
to consume the
finished product, of course!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A failed attempt; determined to succeed!

Wow, so that endeavor didn't work out so well! Apparently I am not great at keeping up with blogging...now I know! :P

But I should like to improve, and so will continue to keep this blog.
To start this off again, allow me to bring things up to date:

I have returned form my travels overseas; though I must confess I wish were still there at this moment! I have had experiences that I shall not forget however old I may grow, and have learned many things that I will strive put to use in the days I have left.

The Home Front~
I came home to people that missed me, and that is a wonderful thing. My niece is now walking, and all the others have grown, be it up and/or in character; I am blessed, so blessed, by my family.

December saw me start a new job at JCPenney - and I have been retained following the seasonal hire, thank God.
Earlier this month I made a move; I now reside in a cozy house, not far from my mother and siblings.
And yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my father's death. Today is the second day of our second year without him. I miss him more and less, in different ways. I greatly anticipate our reunion.

Well, I believe that is a sufficient an update as needed for this entry; I shall continue to expound on different things in the future.

God's Peace to You.

Til Next Type ~