Friday, August 28, 2009

Nelumbo Nucifera

These I took while in Kentucky, visiting the amazing gardens that are part of the Creation Museum

I am posting these pictures of the Bean of India with you in mind, Jesse :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time & Living

Ah, another week gone! I know it has been said before me and will be said again after, but, wow, the time seems to go by faster and faster with each passing day! And I wonder, How am I spending them?
As I look back over this past week, I am saddened not by how much time I spent doing certain things, but by how much time I didn't spend doing the more important things.
My sister was telling us this evening of the importance of starting the day with prayer and communion with Jesus' consciously surrendering to God's plan for the day, and telling Him to have His way with you. This is something I have found to be true as well; when I give Him the plans I have for the day that He holds in His hands, I am successful in His plans! I can better think His thoughts, do His bidding, be more pliable to His workings in me.
Now, having said this, and knowing this - why then do I not always start the day in such a manner?? "Hope is for the morrow"; but I think it is for the very next second, as it is in so short a time that we can change our future. The following lines are the lyrics to a favorite song of mine, simple yet the hope of my heart; also, a short passage from a book of the Bible.

Before I start each day,
there is a special place
I love to go alone,
and seek my Savior's face.
I find wisdom in His Word
to instruct me in His will,
and I hear His gentle voice say:
My child, be still.

My quiet time alone
gives me power to obey;
my quiet time alone
with God, each day.
I talk with Him in prayer;
everyday He meets me there.
My quiet time alone with God.

Psalms 1-41
1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

I have a friend who once described a good morning as that of waking up to the Bible, saying, "Ah, good morning," kissing the precious Book.
I want to rest in the evening, with Jesus owning my last thought, and awake in the same manner.
May your rest be sweet.

Til Next Type~


Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Blessings, aka My Family

As I sit here in the living room, I am watching Hannah Montana The Movie with my family. So many things happened today that are the normal goings on of our family.....
cleaning, making meals, a birthday (in a family of 12 this is a fairly common occurrence), playing, more cleaning :)
Funny, as normal as these things are, recently I have begun to treasure them as though they might happen only once.
Today, my mom kept thanking me for all the things I did to help her, but I don't think she realized how glad I was to be able to do so. Years ago, as I asked God why I wasn't able to do missions, I learned this: many of us think that we deserve a standing, a certain degree of respect, in our family circle because they are, well, family. It seems to me that I have a harder time serving those of my family than those who are my friends, and even strangers! For many years I wanted to go on mission trips and DO something; it wasn't until I realized that it was as equally important to serve my family that God allowed me to go to Mexico for a short time. I enjoyed that time immensely.
Over the years, when I put myself before my family, I am reminded of this lesson. Now, as the days become more and more fleeting as my departure date approaches, I wish I would have spent more time with the different family members, doing things that were important to them; these are the memories I am already reminiscing.
I confess: I am still very selfish in my motivation to serve them; I want to endear myself to them, to be loved greatly of them. I want them to miss me as much as I will miss them; I hope they will be as excited to have me back as I will be to return to them.
All this on a greater scale: Serving Jesus brings far more joy and has much greater returns!

Til Next Type~


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This is as much for my sake as it is for all those who want to keep up with what I am doing; I have almost always kept a journal, but blogging is new for me....we'll see how it goes :)

I am leaving for Taiwan in a few weeks...whew, time goes by so quickly! I am traveling there to teach English. This is a preliminary visit, and I'll be there only 3 months this first time around. Next time I am hoping to go for a longer period. How long? God knows :) I am not making any concrete plans until I get back in December; by then I will know more about the lay of the land there and be able to make a better informed decision. However, I am planning on going back - and if I could choose, at this moment I would like to go for at least 2 consecutive years. But again, I will see what the future looks like after this initial visit.
I am really excited about the flight over; I will get to make a short stop in Korea and visit my student there! She is one who I tutor via the internet and a great friend of mine.
I would add more, but am out of time - at least it has been started!

'Til Next Type~
