Thursday, November 17, 2011

Taiwan Update *email*

Dear family and friends ~

I heard today from my brother that my grandma passed today; I actually don't have much else to say, it's just a part of life now that sin is a part of this world. Actually, you know, we weren't made to experience grief, which is why it's so difficult to adjust to; death wasn't God's will for us, but I am so thankful that He knew the future, knew we'd sin, and provided the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter! I don't know how people live life without Him, His love and His Peace.
Below is the parargraph from the paper about my grandma; thank you all for your prayers!

Thelma I. Armentrout November 15, 1932 ~ October 25, 2011On Tuesday, October 25th, our Mom went home to be with The Lord. God gave the world a special gift when He created our Mom and she honored Him by giving of herself tirelessly and shining His light and showing His love in everything she did. What a privilage it is to have been loved by her.To those who were able to attend the party, to those who came by to visit, and to those who are far away who sent cards and prayers - we thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. I cannot even describe how Mom's spirits were lifted by this and the sunshine in her heart during these last 3 weeks. What a blessing to have such wonderful friends and family - holding us up with hugs and prayers.We love you Mom.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Update from Taiwan *email*

Hello all!

I know it's been so long since I left, but it seems only a short time to me, we've been doing so much. This is only our third week of actual teaching; the rest of the time has been spent preparing and training - all going well, by the way. So, to let everyone know some of the basics of our situation ~

A map of Taiwan!

I am in Yunlin, the brighter of the two teal-colored counties.
The team consists of 3 English teachers, all from the US and professing Christians, and 8 Taiwanese teachers, one of which is a professing Christian. We are all teachers at HTC Foundation's Character English Institute. The chairman of the foundation, Mr. HT Cho, has a vision to reach out to all of the children of Taiwan, endeavoring to improve their personal futures as well as the whole of Taiwan, using the CEIs to train them about good character and what that looks like with real-life examples and practical application opportunities.
There are 3 CEIs currently, in the counties of Hulaien, Yunlin and Chiayi, and it's the children of that particular county's schools that are invited to attend the camp-style institute. The students stay in our institute for 5 days, 4 nights; upon completing the week of training, each student is awarded a Good Character Certificate, which they commit to practice every day. But sometimes (like this week) you have a student (or several) in whom you don't see any improvement during their stay with you; these are the difficult ones to say goodbye to, the ones I really think about for weeks afterwards. And what makes it even more difficult is when you don't know the reason that blocks them from improving; this week I've been blessed to be able to identify all the root issues in the problem kids, even though not all are changing as they learn and we encourage their practice. But we know the seeds have been planted. And a special blessing about the last few weeks' kids: they regularly attend the elementary school upon whose grounds is our institute! So we'll be seeing them all year!

I think the team is melding well; we're still learning about each other, and learning how to love each other well. We each really desire to be one tool that God can use to fulfill His goals here in Yunlin, and are learning about the others' strengths and weaknesses. It has been different recently as another team has been living with us, learning the ropes so as to soon open a new CEI. That team will leave this Saturday to go to their new location, so the atmosphere will be changing even more. I have been encouraging every teacher to view every change as an opportunity to not only become closer to God and each other, but also to be a dent in Satan's plans! When we feel challenged with personal, work or interrelations issues, we want to meet them head on as a team, to conquer them to the glory of God! At the very least, this approach has allowed me to feel exhilarated instead of stressed when encountering an issue.

There are some opportunities that have opened up to share the vision of training students in good character; some of these we are preparing for right now, some we're considering. Even while we are actively teaching character qualities to children, I see that the real discrepancy in their lives is the lack of parental involvement. In fact, as we prepare to receive the new students each week, it's the teacher who provides most of the information about them, and with whom we converse if there is an issue with a student during their stay. Also, it is the teacher who is praised for the good behavior of the students, or complained about if their behavior isn't as it should be. I some to the same root problem (other than the lack of Jesus Christ in their lives) with nearly every major issue that I've encountered: the family structure in Taiwan is deteriorating, and is almost completely deteriorated. But I have many friends who have also seen this - many pastors, teachers, laymen; they are and have been preparing to counter attack Satan in this area. I am now trying to learn more myself; about ways I can fight, how to do that most effectively, and lovingly, also. Oh - and while teaching every day! :) Sometimes I have to remind myself of what God's priorities are for me, and that I can't get involved in everything at once!

So I'll close this email with a personal update~
I'm actually coming back to the States next week, to see my grandma who's health is not good. She recently decided to go off all her medications, and thus was moved to Hospice, a care system for those who will be passing soon. I want to come and see her as soon as possible; we're working on those details now. I was encouraged to hear from my mom that she and my aunt are confident of my grandma's salvation; this was something I have never really been sure about before.
Here's a simple list of things you can pray for:
~ That I'll be able to get a timely ticket; meaning, if I leave at a particular time as opposed to another, I will or won't have jet lag - I don't want to have jet lag!! There's not enough time to get over it before I have to return!
~ The salvation of all the Taiwanese teachers on our team!
~ Grace for each English teacher for the others as we continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
~For us to have wisdom in knowing how to effectively reach out and help the children here, even as the system is unbiblical.
~For the salvation of the chairman, Mr. HT! When asked, he responds he is 50% Christian ~ I hope this year he'll be all in, never looking back!

Thank you all for praying for me/us! I also pray for you ~ more in a general term usually, while asking God to use those prayers in the areas He knows they're needed. Actually, I am learning to pray Scripture for others; it has been great! This is the what I pray for you all:

Psalm 20
1The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee; 2Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion; 3Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Selah. 4Grant thee according to thine own heart, and fulfill all thy counsel. 5We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the LORD fulfill all thy petitions.
6Now know I that the LORD saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.7Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. 8They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright. 9Save, LORD: let the king hear us when we call.

God bless you all ~

Bethany Jo Armentrout