Sunday, September 6, 2009


I am here in Incheon, Korea, awaiting some friend who will be here to have breakfast with me ;)

The flight was not bad, comfortable most of the time. Now I just feel travel-dirty and a little tired. It's 6 am, and I am hoping I can beat the jet lag ~ I tried to sleep on the plane the whole time (14 hours worth) so that I will feel like it's morning here when it really is, and not the other way around, as is common. My friend said when he travels around to the other side of the world, it takes him about 2 days to feel normal ~ I don't want to take that long!

The service on the jet was great - though I missed 2 of the 3 meals (sleeping). I sat with a lady who is traveling to visit her husband who is stationed here in Korea for a year, and on my other side was a man who has made several trips (to the US I assume) already this year!

Now as I wait, I just wish I had an extra change of clothes ~ there are showers available and I want to make use of them, but.....well, now I know how to travel next time! And socks! Definitely wear socks with your shoes when traveling ~ some security checkpoints have you remove them, and I can say I def don't like going around in my bare feet in the 'port.

My 2 bits on traveling.

Til Next Type~